Monday, 22 October 2007

Day 9

I didn't see Juan yesterday, I phoned him in the morning to see if he wanted to meet up. He told me he needed to relax at home and he struggled with his English a bit, which is usually very good, he said he was spent and split in two. It made no sense to me so I just let him go back to bed and I got on with something I had to do. Namely to let Mummy and Daddy know what I was up to (hope this makes you happy DJ).

Now I'm sure they won't have a problem with me helping Juan to find the RSbandits as they have always encouraged me to help others and to do the right thing. It's the gap year from college they may not agree with as my education has always been a priority to them since they packed me off to boarding school when I was five. Also Daddy is so looking forward to me joining the family business I think he might be quite upset. Anyway, there's not much I can do about it now finding the RSbandits of Guadalajara has become my quest. A bit like Monty Python searching for the Holy Grail but without the coconuts! Who knows maybe they have coconuts in Mexico I'll have to ask Juan.

Anyway I still haven't solved my problem; Mummy is on a cruise somewhere in the Caribbean and I have no idea how to get hold of her and Daddy is in Singapore on business. Maybe I'll pin a note to the fridge when I leave.

Talking of leaving, I'm off up the High Street now to meet Juan and buy the plane tickets. How Exciting!


katy said...

think i wish i was coming along too!

DJ Kirkby said...

Christian...I think your parents may just have a 'teensy' problem with you giving money to Juan too!As a mother I would be upset if my N1S gave away my hard earned money that I'd put into his trust fund!

Christian said...

Her Indoors; I can get another ticket.

DJ; I'm not giving it away, it's an investment which he will pay back with interest. He told me so!